Temerty Awards for Excellence in Professional Values

Excellence Awards Diagram

The Temerty Faculty of Medicine believes that within our academic and clinical settings shared norms, values, and expectations help to describe and support the behaviours expected of learners and faculty by one another, by patients and families, and by society.  These norms, values, and expectations are collectively known as our professional values.  At Temerty Medicine, our professional values are the commitments that we keep to our patients, our colleagues, our learners, and ourselves - even in challenging situations – to contribute to the psychologically and culturally safe environments necessary for excellent healthcare and education and to our shared wellbeing.

The Temerty Faculty of Medicine also believes that while many professional values are timeless, others evolve to become more prominent as a result of necessary societal change.  The Faculty’s Academic Strategic Plan (2018-2023) highlighted themes of collaboration, health and wellbeing, diversity and inclusion, excellence through equity, and sustainability. 

The Temerty Awards for Excellence in Professional Values were launched in 2021 and are awarded annually to recognize faculty members and learners from all sectors of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine who contribute to strengthening our shared professional values through their behaviour, communications, relationships, and academic, clinical, and administrative endeavours. Please note that staff within the Temerty Faculty of Medicine are recognized through the Staff Impact Awards.

These faculty members and learners will exemplify our shared professional values including:

  • A commitment to excellence and fair and ethical dealings with others (colleagues and mentees) in carrying out their professional duties and academic endeavours
  • Facilitating psychologically, culturally, and physically safe learning and work environments
  • Demonstrating kindness, respect, civility, humility, integrity, self-reflection and a commitment to our collective responsibility in ensuring one another’s wellbeing
  • A commitment to anti-oppressive and anti-racist practices, consistent advocacy and inclusion for equity deserving groups, and allyship
  • Achieving the mandates of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in our healthcare education, practice, and research
  • Demonstrating breadth either within the Faculty or wider Toronto, Canada or global community in their practice of these professional values


Up to one award will be awarded to each of the following sectors:

  • One Faculty member from Basic Sciences
  • One Learner from Basic Sciences
  • One Faculty member from Rehabilitation Sciences
  • One Learner from Rehabilitation Sciences
  • One Faculty member from Clinical Medicine
  • One Learner from Clinical Medicine


Awards are open to all faculty and learners at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine.

Who Can Nominate

Nominations may be made by peers, supervisors, colleagues, staff and program leaders. Self-nominations will NOT be accepted. 

Nomination Requirements

Nominations will require:

  • Primary Nominator: Must be a member of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine.
  • Two Supporting Nominators: Must have experienced a direct working relationship with the nominee.
  • Nomination Form
  • Letter of Support: A letter from the candidate’s Chair or Program/Course Director indicating their support for this award nomination.
  • Nominee's CV
  • Brief Explanation Letter (if applicable): Either the primary nominator or one of the supporting nominators should preferentially be a learner. If the inclusion of a learner among the nominators is not possible, please provide a letter to explain the reason.

Preference will be given to nominees whose achievements span or integrate multiple values.

Nominations will be reviewed by a committee of faculty and learners drawn from the three sectors.

Nomination Form

Deadline for nominations: TBD in Spring 2025.


All winners will receive a monetary reward.


E-mail Your Nomination Package Here

If you have any questions, please contact medicine.clinicalaffairs@utoronto.ca.

Previous Award Recipients