Office of Communications

The Office of Communications manages internal and external communications for the Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, including the creation and promotion of news stories, media relations, digital and social media, and advancement and marketing communications.

The communications team showcases the extraordinary teaching and research that happens every day at U of T and in our affiliated hospitals and clinical sites. We also provide essential updates and information on the day-to-day function of the university for faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors and volunteers.

And, we are a resource for your communications. Contact us for advice or with any communications question related to the Temerty Faculty of Medicine — or if you have an interesting story, project or study to share.

Contact Us

Media Inquiries

Blake Eligh
Senior Communications Officer & Media Relations Specialist

General Inquiries

Media Relations

Media Inquiries

Blake Eligh
Senior Communications Officer & Media Relations Specialist

U of T Blue Book

Search this database of more than 1,000 experts from across the university, who can comment on the news of the day or offer perspectives on world and local events and issues.

Media Tips for Faculty, Students and Staff

Discover or review tactics for effectively communicating with the public through the media, including how to write an opinion piece and use plain language, ways to focus attention on the news hook in your work, and how to prepare for different mediums (including TV) and difficult interviews.

Digital Media Bank

View and download images from the U of T community across our three campuses.

Story Guide and Event Promotion

Story Guide.pdf

Have a story to share? Review these six tips on what makes a story great.

Event Submission Form

Fill out this form to post an event on our website or in MedEmail, the Faculty’s internal e-newsletter.

Read our tips for promoting your Temerty Faculty of Medicine event

Design and Visual Identity

To access a full list of assets including: visual identity guide, departmental letterhead, Word and Powerpoint templates, etc. visit SharePoint and log in with your UTORid. To request access to the SharePoint page email

If you are a learner that would like access to the powerpoint template please visit the brand portal. This site also includes instructions on how to access other Faculty brand assets.

For more detailed information on the university's visual identity, read this guide.

Contact if you have further questions about the university's visual identity.

Presentations & Templates

Vitals Presentation

This PowerPoint deck was created as a complement to the Vitals report. These slides can be integrated into faculty and staff presentations. 

Download the Vitals Presentation (PPTX)


The U of T Advantage

A snapshot of Temerty Medicine's impact. 

Download the U of T Advantage (PDF)

Web Design

WebPac is a web information package developed by the Office of Communications. It offers guidance on how to create a website that is well-designed, time-efficient, inexpensive, responsive (mobile-compatible) and secure.

All academic departments and administrative units in the Faculty are eligible for WebPac, which includes technical instruction on the Drupal content management system, web writing and content support, and information on training, site hosting and maintenance.

Explore the benefits and processes of WebPac and contact us for more information. 

Current WebPac users can access office hour information, training resources and maintenance updates here.

WebPac Inquiries

Roberta Brown
Manager, Digital Communications

Social Media Guide

Temerty Medicine Social Media Guide (PDF)

Social Media is a powerful tool for engaging many audiences at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine and beyond the university. View these guidelines for best practices on how to create an effective and professional social media presence.

University of Toronto Social Media Resources and Supports for Faculty Members and Librarians

Physicians creating personal accounts should also review these resources:


Accessible Communications

The province of Ontario has a goal of becoming fully accessible by 2025. Here are some helpful resources to improve accessiliby in our communications:

Accessilbity for Ontarians Act

U of T Accessility Office

Making accessible PDF documents

Introduction to website accessiblity

A Guide to Colour Accessibility

News and Publications

Recent News

Read the latest education and research news from Toronto's medical school, along with features and profiles of faculty, students and staff.

UofTMed Magazine

Twice a year our award-winning magazine takes a provocactive look at issues and trends in medicine, health education and medical science.


An e-newsletter for faculty, staff and students, published every two weeks.

Dean’s Report

Prepare. Discover. Partner. Read about the Temerty Faculty of Medicine's goals and activities over the last year.

Alumni Newsletter

An e-newsletter for alumni, published 4 times a year.

Communications Team

Name Title Phone
Mark Bennett Graphic Designer/Art Director 416.884.6329
Roberta Brown Manager, Digital Communications 647.382.5608
Blake Eligh Senior Communications Officer & Media Relations Specialist 647.615.9763
Gabrielle Giroday Media and Communications Specialist (on parental leave)  
Erin Howe  Writer/Videographer 416.946.5266
Emma Jones Communications Officer, Development  
Emily Kulin Associate Director, Advancement Communications 416.978.8092
Rachel LeBeau Communications Officer, Departments of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy  
Ishita Luther Website Communications Specialist  
Heather McCall Communications Officer, Alumni Relations  
Jim Oldfield Associate Director, Strategic Communications 416.574.8109
Linda Quattrin Executive Director, Communications & Stakeholder Relations 437.830.6395
Julia Soudat Social Media & Digital Communications Specialist 416.978.7752
Betty Zou Research and Communications Specialist 416.737.5172