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Wellness Resources for Faculty
Supporting wellness — emotional and physical — is an essential element in fostering the high performing, respectful and sustainable community we seek at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine. We strive to value and innovate for the wellbeing of faculty members – from the classroom and the lab to the clinic and the hospital ward – fostering support for a healthy and positive work life for all.
What we're learning
Data from annual faculty surveys guide our approach to wellness. We know burnout and mental health issues are a major risk among clinical faculty, particularly with the distress and intensity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Wellbeing drops significantly among those who work more than 60 hours/week – and among those who experience harassment or intimidation in their working environments.
Women have borne a disproportionate burden of care during the pandemic, and many negative impacts – such as lack of control, isolation and moral distress – are exacerbated by other intersecting factors such as indigeneity, ethnicity and sexual orientation. Decreasing the stigma around mental illness among health professionals is a key factor, as this is a known barrier in reaching out for help.
What we're doing
Working with Department Chairs to develop and educate a network of Wellness Leads; to ensure faculty have access to mentorship and supportive connections; to encourage flexibility in academic reviews; and to confirm there are clear processes to address unprofessional behaviour. If you are a Temerty Medicine faculty member experiencing unprofessional behaviour, please contact for a confidential conversation.
Creating a Community of Practice in which leaders can develop new skills, share strategies, and support one another in wellness initiatives. Monthly meetings – facilitated by expert leadership coaches – are held for discussion, problem-solving and support. Content experts may be invited to speak on topics of interest. We are also developing a method for peer group facilitation, so that the Community of Practice remains sustainable. For more information on the Community of Practice, contact Julie Maggi.
Collaborating with our TAHSN hospital partners to ensure wellness resources and supports are made available locally and to share wellness approaches for staff, faculty, and learners across the TAHSN community. This includes focused initiatives led through specific TAHSN committees, as well as broader initiatives such as TAHSN-wide rounds that provide a forum for sharing and reflecting on stories of wellness and resilience in our healthcare institutions. For more information contact TAHSN.
Who we are
As Director, Faculty Wellness, Prof. Julie Maggi is a member of the Faculty Affairs Advisory Committee. She recently completed her role as the Director of the Postgraduate Wellness Office, Post MD Education. She has an academic interest in understanding the organizational contributors to resident fatigue. For more information, you can read her full profile.
Temerty Faculty of Medicine Initiatives
Wellness @ the Faculty
Wellness Tips and Best Practices |
Office of Learner Affairs (OLA) |
To book your appointment or for any inquiries, please contact |
Graduate Student Counsellor To schedule your first appointment with a counsellor, please contact the Health and Wellness Centre at 416-978-8030 (select option “5”) and ask to book a time with a RHSE (i.e. Temerty Faculty of Medicine) counsellor. |
Individual Support
For those seeking support, the links below provide a variety of options including online resources as well as connections to professionals offering therapy and other wellness advice.
Emotional Support/Therapists
ACCESS CAMH Available to all healthcare providers, ACCESS CAMH is a self-referral form, connecting users with CAMH services, supports, and also assist them in navigating what supports they need. |
Canadian Medical Association Wellness Support line The Wellness Support Line is intended to provide access to free, confidential (not anonymous) short-term, solution-focused support through a clinically appropriate model of care that aligns services according to user needs. The service is available to practicing and retired physicians, medical students, resident doctors, fellows and family members of physicians or medical learners (i. e. the spouse, domestic or common-law partner (including same-sex couples), child, stepchild or adopted child of an eligible physician or medical learner, provided such child is under the age of 25 and either lives with the eligible physician/medical learner or attends school full time while living away from the physician/medical learner). The Wellness Support Line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to eligible users. | In Ontario, call 1-800-851-6606 (access is through the OMA Physician Health Program main number. Select option 3 for the Wellness Support Line) |
Mind Beacon Free on-line mental health evaluation, support and CBT to Ontarians. Special section for Front line health care workers. |
Help for Emergency and Intensive Care Staff Clinical staff working in intensive care and emergency room settings throughout the TAHSN hospitals can contact Dr. Jon Hunter (, a staff psychiatrist at Sinai Health System. He or his delegate will do a short phone triage and then direct users to care, ranging from 1:1 contact with a psychiatrist to wellness options. |
Dr. Jon Hunter |
OMA Physician Health Program The Ontario Medical Association’s Physician Health Program supports the wellbeing of all Ontario medical students, residents and practicing physicians and their families. PHP provides confidential support whenever personal or family stress, mental health or substance use concerns arise. |
PHP toll-free confidential line at 1-800-851-6606 Monday to Friday, 8:45am – 5:00pm |
Psychology works for COVID-19 We, the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), are pleased to facilitate a referral program to support the front line health care workers of the COVID-19 pandemic. In doing so, we endeavour to connect front line health care workers with psychologists who are available to assist on a pro-bono basis via tele-psychology. |
Muslim Mental Health Resources | |
Umbrella Mental Health Network - 2SLGBTQIA Community |
Relief Resources An international nonprofit organization that provides mental health guidance, education, and treatment recommendations for individuals in the Jewish Community. |
Distress Support
Canadian Medical Association Wellness Support line | |
Toronto Distress Centres 24-hour confidential emotional support and crisis intervention, available 7 days a week to individuals at risk |
416-408-4357 or 416-408-HELP, or text 45645 |
PARO Helpline (for residents and clinical fellows) Their toll-free number is accessible anywhere in Ontario, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In order to provide this service, PARO has partnered with Distress Centres of Toronto. |
1-866-HELP-DOC (1-866-435-7362) |
Gerstein Crisis Centre GCC is offering a free, 8-week online support group for front line workers on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm from April 1 to May 20, 2020. | or call 416-929-5200 |
Kids Help Phone Kids Help Phone is Canada's only 24/7 national service offering professional counselling, information, referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support for young people in English and French. |
1-800-668-6868 |
Toronto Seniors Helpline Toronto Seniors Helpline is staffed by trained professionals, providing crisis counselling and supportive counselling as well as triaging crisis calls to the Crisis Outreach Service for Seniors (COSS) team for in-person visits. |
416-217-2077 |
Domestic Violence
If yourself or a child are in immediate danger, please call 911
As noted by the support organization, Ending Violence Association of Canada (EVA CAN), "many of the measures necessary to responding to COVID-19 – isolation; closures of daycares and schools; the potential impact on employment and income; and general uncertainty, stress and disruption – are likely to exacerbate the known risk factors for domestic violence." Confidential, 24/7 assistance is available in the GTA through the Assaulted Women’s Helpline. |
Assaulted Women’s Helpline:
Luke's Place is a unique support and resource centre for women and children who have left, or who are about to leave, an abusive relationship. It provides tool kits regarding safety planning, preparing to leave and what to expect from the Family Court system. |
Call 905.728.0978 or |
Self check-ins/evaluations
Self-Navigate CAMH An inventory of support programs for health care workers, designed for users to self-navigate. |
Group Supports
On-Line Interpersonal and Balint Groups for Physicians Times of crisis, such as the Covid-19 Pandemic put pressure on one’s self-esteem and relationships, but they are also an opportunity to change behaviors and address underlying conflicts. These three groups provide a supportive space for MDs seeking strategies to be more resilient and antifragile, to reduce burnout and better manage difficult work and personal relationships. The sessions are led by Dr. Khorasani on Zoom HIPAA (private and secure) platform. Dr. Khorasani is a Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst and Group therapist on faculty at University of Toronto. He is a past president of Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association and has over 25 years of clinical, supervision and teaching experience. Dr Khorasani is available to assess interested MDs for all groups at all times. |
For more information and registration please email Group times: Mondays 3:15-5:00 pm September 2021 and at every 20 weeks afterwards for: |
Faculty Members & Students
COVID-19 Women Physician Emotional Wellbeing Facebook group. |
Medical Students
Peer-to-Peer Discussion Forum The MD Program, in partnership with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), has created a Discussion Forum for UofT MD students to obtain support around stress and anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This online peer-to-peer discussion forum is a space where you can receive support, encouragement, and share your experiences with managing your stress and anxiety related to COVID-19. Contact the Office of Health Professional Student Affairs for details on how to access this group. |
Wellness Ambassadors The SHINE team has student Wellness Ambassadors who provide resource support to medical students. |
Students can access this link |
COVID-19 Vaccine access
Access to a vaccine is in accordance to the provincial plan, and we encourage you to consult your local Public Health Unit for up to date information: |
Ontario: Peel: York: Halton: |
COVID-19 Testing
Information on how to get tested for COVID-19 in Toronto |
Child Care and Supporting Children
City of Toronto Emergency Childcare |
Silk Childcare Inc. Owned by a local MD mother, Silk Childcare pairs families with experienced childcare workers to take care of children and/or oversee virtual learning. Childcare workers are paired with one family only. Small learning pods of multiple families considered. Consult the website for more information and contact details. |
Helpful guide on completely free virtual summer camps. |
| A matching service for people looking for childcare, pet care, and senior care. Providers can create profiles and families search profiles to identify potential providers. |
Rent-a-counsellor Trained camp counsellors (with no camps to work at) providing fun physically distanced summer camp activities in your back yard or drive way. |
Coronavirus – How to Talk to Your Child A guide to talking about the pandemic to your children from the KidsHealth website. | |
Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) -COVID-19 Resources |
Ergonomics for Home Offices Tune into a new podcast called, “We’ve gOT Your Back: The Ergo Minute” hosted by Julia Giancola and Madison Lazarou. These Occupational Therapy students bring you advice from U of T experts on how to apply ergonomic strategies in your home office, so that you can work more comfortably, productively and reduce the risk of stress and injury on your body. | |
A list of companies in the greater Toronto area that offer food delivery and other resources | |
Options for Quarantine Housing
Voluntary Self Isolation Centres Many municipalities run programs to support those who have to isolate because of COVID and/or to support essential workers. Check your municipality or with the Medical Affairs Dept of your hospital. Generally you will need to call the municipality COVID-19 Hotline and complete an eligibility assessment. At that time you the booking is completed and other information will be given to you. |
Call the COVID-19 Hotline at 416-338-7600 to complete an eligibility assessment. |
Education Resources & Articles
ECHO Ontario Coping with COVID
A virtual education and capacity building program that builds a community of practice, promotes resilience, provides skills and resources, and supports overall mental wellbeing amongst hospital-based health care providers currently supporting the COVID pandemic. |
For Residents and Healthcare Providers: |
Managing Anxious Feelings
Keeping yourself healthy: Resilience and Stress inoculation during COVID-19, Ontario Medical Association
3 steps to coping with anything including COVID – video by Drs. Jon Hunter and Bob Maunder, Sinai Health System
Health Anxiety – What is it and how can You Overcome it?, Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Managing COVID19 Anxiety, Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Decreasing Social Isolation
How to Manage Your Loneliness, The New York Times
The Ministry of Loneliness, Canadian Family Physician via National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. Dr Nick Pimlott looks at the prevalence of loneliness, as evidenced by the appointment of a Minister of Loneliness in the United Kingdom.
A (pre-COVID) report from the Minister of Loneliness in the UK, The Jo Cox Foundation
How to Be an Inclusive Leader Through a Crisis, Harvard Business Review
The Buddy System, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Effect of a Professional Coaching Intervention on the Well-being and Distress of Physicians, Jama Network
Understanding and Addressing Sources of Anxiety Among Health Care Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jama Network
University of Toronto Faculty of MEdicine Leadership Community of Practice, University of Toronto
Co-Creating a Thriving Human-Centered Health System in the Post-Covid-19 Era, NEJM Catalyst
Managing Physical and Mental Health of Health Care Workers
Fight COVID19 with Better Sleep: A Guide for Healthcare Workers, Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress
The Psychological Needs of Healthcare Staff as a Result of the Coronavirus Pandemic, British Psychological Society
Managing Mental Health Challenges Faced by Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic, The British Medical Journal
Managing Healthcare Worker Provider Stress Associated with COVID 19 Virus Outbreak, National Centre for PTSD
Understanding and Addressing Sources of Anxiety among Health Care Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jama Network
COVID-19 in Wuhan: Immediate Psychological Impact on 5062 Health Workers, medRxiv
Factors Associated with Mental Health Outcomes Among Health Care Workers Exposed to Coronavirus Disease 2019, Jama Network
Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders among Toronto Hospital Workers One to Two Years after the SARS Outbreak, National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine
Stress and Psychological Distress Among SARS Survivors 1 Year After the Outbreak, The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
SARS Control and Psychological Effects of Quarantine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine
Occurrence, Prevention, and Management of the Psychological Effects of Emerging Virus Outbreaks on Healthcare Workers: Rapid Review and Meta-analysis The British Medical Journal
An Institutional Model for Health Care Workers' Mental Health During Covid-19, NEJM Catalyst
COVID-Well Study: Qualitative Evaluation of Supported Wellbeing Centres and Psychological First Aid for Healthcare Weorkers during the COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
CAMH website re COVID 19 and mental health
The Discomfort you’re Feeling is Grief, Harvard Business Review
COVID-19 Wellness Infographic, created & resources compiled by residents at the University of Toronto
Crowd Sourced Resources for Coping with COVID-19 Google Docs
Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak, WHO