The Temerty Faculty of Medicine Faculty Council is the senior body in the Faculty with responsibility for academic affairs.
Governance and Management
In 1993, the Faculty Council Constitution and By-Laws Committee undertook a review of the Faculty’s Constitution and By-laws with the objective of clarifying the academic authority of Council and the authority of the Dean in relation to Council. The Committee separated the authority for the generation and approval of policy from the authority to manage and implement policy. The revised Constitution and By-Laws document was approved by Council in October 1993 and became effective in June 1994. Governance matters, such as approval of a new curriculum, are referred by Council’s Agenda Committee to the appropriate Standing Committee(s) of Council. The Standing Committee examines the issue in detail, formally reports its findings to Council, and recommends modifications or approval. In keeping with the aim of separating governance from administration, the Council and its Committees can only be chaired by a member of Council who is not a Dean. Thus, policy matters are brought to Council for debate and approval by elected faculty representatives rather than by senior administrative officers.
Faculty Council has a broad membership base - with representation from the student body (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate), faculty, Chairs, Deans, and administrative staff.
Faculty Council meets three times per year.