U of T News
U of T Medicine Professors Brenda Gallie, Shafique Keshavjee, Laurence Klotz, Wendy Levinson, Norman Emilio Marcon and Catherine Zahn have been named to the Order of Canada — the nation’s highest civilian honour.
The Order has recognized outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation since its creation in 1967. The Governor General’s office, in a statement on its website, says the Order recognizes “people in all sectors of Canadian society. Their contributions are varied, yet they have all enriched the lives of others and made a difference to this country.”
Appointees from U of T Medicine were recognized for achievements including innovative contributions to thoracic surgery, better doctor-patient relationships, and advocacy for people living with mental health and addiction issues:
(O.C. signifies an Officer of the Order and C.M. signifies a Member of the Order)
Shafique Keshavjee, O.C.
For his innovative contributions to thoracic surgery, notably in the development of a process that has improved lung transplantation worldwide.
Wendy Levinson, O.C.
For her contributions to promoting effective communication between physicians and patients, as well as for her sustained leadership in academic medicine.
Norman Emilio Marcon, O.C.
For his contributions to the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and for his work to disseminate the latest advances in therapeutic endoscopy.
Brenda Louise Gallie, C.M.
For her contributions to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of retinoblastoma, a childhood eye cancer.
Laurence Klotz, C.M.
For his contributions to the treatment of prostate cancer, notably for leading the adoption of active surveillance as a standard aspect of patient care.
Catherine Zahn, C.M.
For her contributions as a neurologist, health care administrator and advocate on behalf of those living with mental health and addiction issues.
(Read the full list of honourees announced in December.)
The latest list of appointees and progressions within the Order — released at the end of December by Governor General David Johnston — has many U of T faculty members, including Professor Charles Pascal of OISE and Professors Nancy Margaret Reid and Mark Lautens of the Faculty of Arts & Science. Lautens, a leading scholar of chemistry, and Reid, a leading scholar of statistics, were both named Officers of the Order and both already carry the rank of University Professor — the highest distinction U of T conveys. Two U of T chancellors were also honoured: Wendy Cecil, chancellor of Victoria University and Bill Graham, chancellor of Trinity College.
“Once again the Order of Canada shines a light on the remarkable contributions of a wide range of U of T faculty members and alumni,” said Meric Gertler, President of the University of Toronto.
“Leading scholars across the humanities, social sciences, sciences and in our professional faculties are being celebrated alongside prominent University citizens and leaders in the community. I am delighted to offer my congratulations on this prestigious recognition.”
The appointees join nearly two dozen members of the U of T community named to, or promoted within, the Order earlier in the year. (Read about the 2014 honourees named last summer.)
Photo credit: Lesley Wilson, Flikr.