MIL Rates for Users Outside the University of Toronto

Rates Apply to Users Outside U of T

In order to maintain our high quality of service while also increasing capacity as our technology continues to advance, MIL has instituted an annual lab membership fee of $500 per year, per laboratory beginning fiscal year 2018-19 (May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019). The fee will be automatically added in the first month for which a lab has usage.

RATES as of January 5, 2016 {Rates for Users From Users Outside U of T}

1. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Hitachi H-7000 TEM$105.00/hr
2. Confocal (LSM) and Fluorescence Microscopy
Zeiss LSM 880 Elyra Superresolution Confocal$100.00/hr
Zeiss Spinning Disk Confocal$60.00/hr
Zeiss Apotome Live Cell System$50.00/hr
Zeiss Axioscan Z.1 Slide Scanner: Brightfield$16.00/slide
Zeiss AxioScan Z.1 Slide Scanner: Fluorescence$24.00/slide
Zeiss IHC Fluorescence AxioScope A1$40.00/hr
3. Specimen Preparation
Carbon Coating$110.00/run
Liquid N2$8.00/L
High Resolution Gold Sputter Coating$45.00/run
Critical Point Dryer$110.00/run
Ultramicrotome (user supplies diamond knife)$90.00/hr
Materials Fee (for samples prepared with MIL material)$20.00/sample
4. Technician Time
Training in Microscope Use and Technique$150.00/hr
Specimen Preparation (by technical staff)$150.00/hr
Negative Staining (by technical staff)$120.00/sample
5. WORKSTATION (Image Analysis)
Image Analysis Computer Time (Zeiss Zen and/or BitPlane Imaris Software)        $20.00/hr
NOTE: Images on workstations are automatically erased after 30 days. 

For additional information, please contact any of the individuals listed below.

Dr. Lindsey Fiddes, PhD
Microscopy Technician
Phone: (416)978-6232

Dr. Stephen Girardin, PhD
Academic Supervisor
Phone: (416) 978-7507