I&D Biweekly Newsletter

Office of Inclusion & Diversity

The I&D Biweekly is a digital newsletter published every other Monday by the Office of Inclusion and Diversity. It is your source of EDIIA events and updates around Temerty Medicine and the University of Toronto.

Content submissions are due by end of day on the Monday prior to publication.



Introducing Alicia Sam | A Conversation With Lisa Richardson | OAO MedLinx Program Students Participate in ER Discovery Day

Introducing Mark Dennis | Worship and Reflection Spaces

Introduction to Anti-Black Racism eLearning Module | Honouring the Legacy of Anderson Ruffin Abbott

The Canadian Encyclopedia Honours the Work of Miriam Rossi | Indigenous Education Week

Lessons for Physicians from the Holocaust | MMAC U of T Presents Medicine: My Path to Paradise

Inclusive Educational Events Planning Guide