How to apply to the SMP

Before completing your application

Please remember, that this program is for students in grades 10-11 and in order to be eligible for the program, you must be 16 years of age by June 30, 2025. We encourage students to submit their application as soon as possible. Applications will open October 1, 2024 and close March 16, 2025. Applicants selected to proceed to the interview stage will be contacted periodically over the next few months.

To begin the application, you must first obtain a copy of your transcript from your guidance office, which is to be uploaded in either a PDF or JPEG format in the application form.

Please note that your Provincial Report Card will not be accepted as a substitute for your transcript.

Academic prerequisite: You must have completed a Grade 10 Science course in the academic stream (e.g. SNC2D) or have completed any Grade 11 science course either in the university (U) stream, university/college (M) stream, or the college (C) stream to be eligible for STEAM-D. A course from one of these categories must be visible on the transcript that you submit. If you have not already completed the academic prerequisite, but will complete it by June 30, 2025, you can still apply but you are required to submit your current transcript and will be asked to provide an updated one before the program starts in July 2025.

*In order to be eligible for the stipend provided at the end of the program, you are required to have a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN). If you do not have a SIN, please consult your parent/guardian on how to obtain one. Please note that the SIN is not required at the time of your application; however, if selected to proceed to the next step of the selection process, you will be asked to provide it. Those with SINs beginning with "9" will need to submit a copy of a valid study/work permit as well.*

Information requested in the application form

The online application requests the following information to be filled out:

  • Your personal information (i.e. name, email, phone, Date of Birth etc.).
  • Contact information for your parent/guardian(s) and emergency contact(s).
  • School information including: your student number, Ontario Education Number (OEN) and contact information for your Guidance Counsellor (i.e. their name and email address).
  • Your statement of interest (i.e. A paragraph explaining why you would be a good candidate for the program).
  • Your most up-to-date transcript.

Please email if you have any questions before starting your application.

Summer Mentorship Program Application

  • Current Applicant Information
  • Address
  • School Information
  • Parent/Guardian Information
  • Program Qualification
  • Additional Information
  • Complete

Thank you for your interest in the Summer Mentorship Program in the Health Sciences.  The dates will be July 2-25, 2025. Please review this information before you begin the application.

**The Summer 2025 program is not open to STEAM Design or Summer Mentorship Program (SMP) alumni. Please do not submit an application if you have already completed one of the aforementioned programs.**

Please note that you must be 16 by June 30, 2025 to be eligible for this program.  In the application you will be asked to provide your name, your date of birth, your gender, your contact information, the contact information for your Guidance Counsellor/Teacher, the contact information for your parent(s)/guardian(s), emergency contact information, as well as a statement of interest.  You must provide a personal email address that you can access regularly.  Please ensure your email address is correct before you submit the form because we will use this to communicate with you. 

You will need to connect with your guidance office to get a copy of your transcript.  The transcript is attached to the application as a .pdf or .jpeg.  Please do not attach your Ontario Provincial Report Card as it is not an acceptable substitute and your application will be considered incomplete

A copy of the application will be sent to the email address that you provided in the SMP application once it is complete.  Please contact if you have not received a copy of your application immediately after you complete the form.

The information that is collected from this application will not be shared with any other university departments or external contacts.  The information that we collect is used to consider your eligibility for the SMP.  If you are admitted to the SMP, we will share the information that is collected in your application with the school board for the purpose of administering the high school credit (SNC 4M).


Select the gender identity(ies) that best fit you:*
The options identified below are based on the terminology used by the Ontario Human Rights Commission in the Policy on Discrimination and Harassment Because of Sexual Orientation and the Policy of Preventing Discrimination Because of Gender Identity and Gender Expression. [2] Trans refers to a person who identifies with a gender other than the one assigned to them at birth, or to a person whose gender identity and gender expression defers from stereotypical masculine and feminine norms. It is also used as an umbrella term for those who identify as transgender, transsexual, trans, gender variant, gender non-conforming, genderqueer, or an analogous term.
If you would like to self-identify as Indigenous [3] for the purpose of this program please select "Yes".*

[3] Indigenous peoples of Canada include First Nation (status or non-status), Inuit, and Métis peoples.

Select the race/ ethnicity(ies) that best fit you:*

The Summer Mentorship Program was created to help address concerns about the under-representation of Black and Indigenous people within the health sciences. In the SMP, high school students who self-identify as Indigenous or Black African, Black Caribbean, Black North American, multi-racial students who have and identify with their Black ancestry, or students that face financial barriers, are given the opportunity to explore health sciences at the University of Toronto.