May 2 - Jun 3, 2022  |  9:00am - 5:00pm

Graduate Supervisory Experience Survey

The Temerty Faculty of Medicine is committed to ensuring that our students are supported to academically thrive while engaged in their graduate training. An important component of this training involves your supervisory experiences in a thesis based Master or Doctoral program.

The purpose of the Graduate Supervisory Experience Survey is to gather information about the supervisory experience of our graduate students. The results will help showcase the overall quality of the student-supervisor experience in the Faculty and by graduate unit. As students who have convocated, we would like to include your feedback on the last 12 months as a registered graduate student. 

The survey will be available starting May 2nd, 2022, with participation being completely voluntary. You will be invited via an email ( just before or on May 2. A set of instructions will be provided. On the “Tasks & Results Dashboard,” there will be a “card” called ‘Graduate Supervisory Experience Survey-Convocated’, inside of this card, please click “View Task” to start the survey. We encourage you to fill out the survey so the Faculty can help improve student-supervisor experiences in every graduate unit. 
There are also PRIZES to be WON!

More information


Yasman Mohammadzadeh