May 26-29, 2022  |  9:00am - 4:00pm

Global Summit on Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies and Medicine

The conference is being planned by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in collaboration with the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) and the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC).

The goal of the conference is to bring policymakers, researchers, and clinicians together, in the interest of moving psychedelics research forward into both policy and practice. It will focus on rigorous scientific studies reflecting high-quality scholarship and research, and include panels on pathways to the regulation of psychedelic substances and on the intersection of science and spirituality, among other topics.

The conference will also have a dedicated track to examine the use of psychedelics in the treatment and management of substance use disorders, including nicotine, cocaine, alcohol, and opioids.

The key aims of the conference are to:

  • Encourage collaboration among researchers;
  • Enable knowledge exchange with policymakers to help increase the scale and visibility of research on psychedelics; and-
  • Overcome hurdles and stimulate progress for different communities by emphasizing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility.

This conference will be unique from other conferences devoted to psychedelic-assisted therapy because of its:

  • Attention to academic research;
  • Focus on substance use and addiction;
  • Engagement of leaders in public policy and regulation;
  • Interdisciplinary scope; and
  • Prioritization of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility at all levels.

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