Supports for Raising Faculty Concerns
List of resources for faculty members with the following types of appointments:
- Adjunct Faculty Members Tenure Stream
- Contractually Limited Term Appointment
- Part-Time Faculty Members
- Status-Only Faculty Members
- Teaching Stream
All employees at the University of Toronto have a right to work in an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, or violence. To support this right, the University maintains a robust set of policies and has established pathways for employees to request accommodation, share a concern, or file a complaint.
All University of Toronto staff, faculty members, and librarians work under a common set of workplace policies and guidelinesthat include the following:
- Policy with Respect to Workplace Harassment and the associated Workplace Harassment Program guidelines:
- Policy with Respect to Workplace Violence and the associated Workplace Violence Program
- Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
- Accommodation Guidelines for Employees with Disabilities
- University of Toronto Health and Safety Policy
Pathways for Faculty Members to Raise a Concern or Complaint
- If you are experiencing workplace incivility, harassment, or discrimination, you may raise it with the University by contacting any of the University’s 13 Divisional Human Resources (HR) Offices or any of the University’s equity offices. You may approach a representative from whichever office you are most comfortable speaking with, even if they are not part of your local Divisional HR Office or campus (contact information is detailed below). Faculty members may also raise concerns and complaints with their Dean’s Office.
- Faculty members may also seek support or file a complaint via the University’s Workplace Investigations Office, which supports and oversees the resolution and/or investigation of workplace concerns and complaints involving staff, faculty members, and librarians.
- If you are experiencing sexual violence or sexual harassment, you may raise it with the Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre.
- If you have been threatened with or are experiencing online harassment, including doxxing, you may seek support from the Community Safety Office.
- Should you wish to disclose a concern regarding the misconduct of another University employee, you may do so by contacting one of the Divisional HR Offices.
- If you have any general health and safety questions or concerns, you may contact Environmental Health and Safety.
All concerns and complaints will be treated confidentially, and support will be offered. There are no reprisals for raising a concern or complaint.
It is normally most helpful to bring concerns to the attention of to the person to whom the staff member, faculty member or librarian immediately reports (i.e., Chair) or the appropriate Vice-Dean, as necessary.
Faculty members may also raise concerns with:
- Academic Human Resources at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine
- Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine
Alternatively, a faculty member may wish to raise their concern with a University official outside of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine. The following offices may be contacted directly without proceeding through the pathways described above and are available to any member of the Faculty, including students:
- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) Office – offers support to community members in relation to persons with disabilities.
- Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) – offers supports to community members in relation to racial discrimination and harassment.
- Sexual & Gender Diversity Office (SGDO) – offers support to community members in relation to sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity discrimination and harassment.
- Institutional Equity Office - offers support to community members in relation to concerns of harassment and discrimination based on the Ontario Human Rights Code’s protected grounds.
- Workplace Investigations Office – a specialized unit within the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture which receives, investigates, and addresses concerns and complaints related to faculty or staff conduct, including workplace harassment and discrimination.
- Centre for Graduate Mentorship & Supervision (CGMS) – supports successful mentorship and supervisory relationships between graduate students and supervisors/committee members.
- Community Safety Office – offers support and assistance to students, staff and faculty members who have personal safety concerns.
Office of the University Ombudsperson (OUO) - devoted to ensuring procedural fairness and just and reasonable outcomes at the University of Toronto. The OUO offers impartial, confidential advice and assistance to students, faculty, and staff on all three campuses who believe they are being treated unfairly by the University or who need information on processes or policies related to their concern. The OUO typically cannot start an inquiry until all existing University processes have been exhausted, but can offer advice and referrals to appropriate resources and processes. Matters are dealt with in strict confidence and will not be discussed with anyone without your written approval. For more information about our services and how to contact the office visit the U of T Ombudsperson webpage.
- Campus Safety – Special Constable service at the University which responds to emergency situations and offers pro-active safety services, including “Work Alone” and TravelSafe programs.
For urgent safety concerns, faculty members should contact 9-1-1 immediately. They may also contact Campus Safety.
Reports of Sexual Violence (including sexual harassment and sexual assault) by any community member are appropriately made to the Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre (the “SVPSC”), or in emergency situations to Campus Safety. The SVPSC is an institutional office established to support survivors of sexual violence, including helping them navigate the processes and procedures under the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment.
Additional 24/7 crisis supports for survivors of sexual violence are listed here:
Please note that there is a difference between Disclosing and Reporting an incident of Sexual Violence.
- A disclosure means sharing an experience of sexual violence with a member of the University community. It does not launch any kind of formal process. Individuals who disclose to the SVPSC can be supported with confidential, non-judgmental, client-centered services, including assistance in navigating available supports such as counselling, medical services, academic or workplace accommodations, financial aid and legal aid.
- Initiating a report means telling a designated member of the University Community (normally someone within the SVPSC) about an incident in order to initiate a formal process, such as a disciplinary process through the University.
For Professional Values Resources, please visit this link here.