Students walking on campus

Commemoration Resources

Dates of Recognition, Observance & Celebration

The U of T Institutional Equity Office lists information about:

Cultural and Religious Days 

The Multi-Faith Centre lists significant religious, spiritual and cultural days commemorated around the world every year, featuring the representative faith and ethnic groups, when they are celebrated and how to greet or acknowledge those who observe.

Additionally, religious supports for learners from the Office of Learner Affairs are available to support students' religious practices during their medical training.

Religious Accommodations

Visit the Accommodations for Religious Observances webpage from the Office of the Vice-Provost for information about accommodating religious observances, including the Policy on Scheduling of Classes and Examinations and Other Accommodations for Religious Observances.

Ontario and Canada Resources

The Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada have detailed the celebrations and commemorations recognized by the province and country.

Further information describing each of the days can be found on their respective webpages.